Labels:book | daily | newspaper | reckoner | window OCR: Prochict Detail Simple administration The folder's owner rcan al: Doxcuments stored in sharec Adminis itraljnon I the Apple- define which of three levels of foteters can been antl rearl hy Share File : Server requires no access the owner and lother users evervone in the group. but the special skills Administrative can have. namely whether folder's owner can choose the functions such as adding new users car: tyre acceks jecple have. The uscrs and crcating groups i of -See documents and applica- folder's owner specif ify chat: users are camriexl the tions stored I in the folder: -The socunents in the fokler familiar Macintosh user irter- See folders stored in the can changed only bv the face including pull-g -down owner (this useful for storing menus dialog boxes icons Make changes to doeurn ...